Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks with Sapadilla

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Positives of Cleaning

  • Cleaning gives you a short mental break by allowing you to stop overthinking about everyday stressors. For a few minutes a day, you are able to take some time for yourself, quiet your mind, and focus on one thing you have control over - cleaning. 

  • Cleaning makes you feel better. "Cleaning can be a beautiful practice of non-attachment and realizing that we are not defined by the things that surround us.” - Elizabeth Su, mindfulness expert, in an interview with Elite Daily.

  • Cleaning is great exercise! According to Shape Magazine, an hour mopping floors burns 153 calories, vacuuming for 30 minutes burns 119 calories, washing floors can burn up to 187 calories, and moving around furniture for 15 minutes can burn 100 calories.*

  • Cleaning gives you a sense of accomplishment. Especially in these unprecedented times, we’re all looking for short-term goals and projects. Finishing a cleaning project provides you with an end product and a feeling of productivity. Plus, you can visibly see the fruits of your

Expert Advice

- The USDA recommends disinfecting your sink every night.

- You should have at least two separate cutting boards in your kitchen - one for fruit and vegetables and another one for meat.

- The EPA recommends cleaning your countertops after every use and sanitizing them with a disinfectant at the end of each day.

- The USDA Agricultural Research Service recommends heating your sponges in the microwave for one minute or washing them in the dishwasher with a drying cycle to inactivate bacteria, yeast, and molds.

5 Dirtiest Places in Your Kitchen  

1. Kitchen Sink

2. Countertops

3. Kitchen Sponges

4. Cutting Boards

5. Salt & Pepper Shakers and Spice Containers 

Why Clean with Sapadilla?

  1. Sapadilla is Earth-Friendly: Utilizes plant-based ingredients that are biodegradable and non-toxic to the environment.

  2. Sapadilla Smells Good: Take your pick from Sweet Lavender + Lime, Rosemary + Peppermint, and Grapefruit + Bergamot. All are made from 100% pure essential oils. 

  3. Sapadilla is Counter-Worthy: These biodegradable and recyclable products are both aesthetically pleasing to your home and can help save the planet. 

*All calorie counts are estimates based on a 150-pound person. Calorie counts will vary depending on the intensity of the activity, body composition, and weight.